Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。


Well, I've been thinking of writing about things for quite a long time, but never had a time or motivation. I mean with the world dominated by SNSs, who wants to write a blog right? Don't you think? But yeah, I have finally made a decision and write one for my own sake.

Well, the title of the blog is obviously is an homage of the famous book "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" (If you haven't read it, what a coincidence! I haven't finish reading it too!). I will be writing about what I felt about certain things in life with connections to science, art, and music, with sometimes without any logic. Unlike the book, I won't be telling a short tale with Aesop's characters or anything, and also sometimes I won't even be talking about any of science, art, or music explicitly at all (but I hope that you'll see some sort of connections).

Well in this cruel world, I hope what I wrote enriches the understanding of whatever that you are seeing right now (which, of course, is this blog hahaha).

This blog will be written sometimes in English and sometimes in Japanese. These things alternates based purely on what I feel like. If you really are interested in things I've written in Japanese, just comment and I will make English translated article available whenever I felt like it.

以前からずっと思ってる事をつらつらと書きたいなぁなんて思ってたんだけど時間もないしモチベもないしでダラダラここまできてしまった (ってかこのSNS全盛期にブログなんていまさらどーよとか思ってたし)。このままじゃいかんと思って引越しを機にまぁ自分のためにぐちゃぐちゃ書く事にしました。

ブログのタイトルは知っての通りあの有名な本「ゲーデル、エッシャー、バッハ - あるいは不思議の環」のオマージュで(まだ読んでない人、なんたる偶然!俺もまだ読みおわってない笑)、まぁ科学と芸術と音楽について感じた事をたまには論理性皆無な文章で書きつらねたいと思ってます。元の本にあるような奇妙な小話なんかは無しで。まぁとはいっても個人ブログなのでその三つとは直接的にはまったく関係ない事もぐちゃぐちゃ書こうと思ってるんで、そんな記事を読んでしまった時にはぜひ組みとって下さい。



Blog Entry Count
23 entries
Blog Post Day Count
19 days