Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。

May be the super-frog was eaten by the cat he abandoned - Part 2.5, the frog

The text

Part 1

Part 2

My plan was to write about abandoning a cat, but I remembered that I had something about the frog that I didn't write about; so I just dump it here. It is as essential as part 2; I think. Here we go.

So the problem I had is that the fact that the frog got the information about the Earth quake with his bug friends. Frog eats bugs, but then they are still friends. Also, frog eats worms, the worms are there to be eaten for a frog, and if they fight, there is no way that worm wins. But in this story, somehow, the worm is something to be defeated by a frog; frog should be naturally eating them.

In the usual situation, I guess that's the case. If I understand frog as consciousness and the worm as unconsciousness, then for most of the people for the most of the time, consciousness can suppress the unconsciousness without even thinking about it. In other words, in principle, the stress, should grow to crush you. However, under extraordinary circumstances, such collection of stresses can crush someone so hard, that it can even kill the most protected part in one's heart. Then, the world which a worm kills the frog is possible. This is why you need to support the flog, you don't even have to be with the frog for that.