Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。

Entries from 2018-05-01 to 1 month

Why I quit being an Apple fanboy ( what is free and open source?) part 1

If you have bitten a forbidden fruit, you must spit it out at some point I had a suggestion of separating out the article into parts, and I thought that was a good idea so here is the part 1 of the part n ( ) I remember the first iProduct …

Saying Something but not Really Saying Anything

It is really hard to learn and to experience everything... I was aiming the frequency of a new blog pot to be once in every two days or so, but unfortunately, that is impossible. I've been writing this post for more than a week or so. Apol…

An eye candy ( thank you for 200 visits! )

200アクセスありがとう!100アクセス記念は英語で書いたので、今回は日本語で。いやぁ論文もこれくらいのペースで書ければ万々歳ですよね。 こんなくだらない戯言を読んでる君たちも暇だよねぇ。でもありがとう。え、読んでないって?まぁでも読まなくてもク…


時は遡る事2016年の暮れ... スランプに落ちいっててこのままじゃやばいんじゃないかと思って、まぁ色々やろうと思ったわけですよ。んで、思いついたわけです。そう最近話題の機械学習とかいうやつで一儲けなーんて甘い事を思ったわけですね。闇墮ちですよ本…


めんどくさい。全てが。そう思い始めたのはいつごろからだっただろうか... 人類の行動原理ってわりと「めんどくさい」だと思うんだよねぇ。 走って狩りするのめんどくせぇ→道具つかおうぜ。 人間関係めんどくせぇ→アフリカ出て別な所で暮そう。 狩りめんど→…

An eye candy ( thank you for 100 visits )

Well, I think 100 visits are easy to achieve as there are, in fact many, people who are interested to what I wrote. But seriously though after three posts, the most of those people will certainly get bored of what I write. I know. But... w…

The first grand slam

Well, in this article I would like to talk about all of them at once. I feel like once I've done this, I lose the motivation to continue on this blog, even though there are many things I want to talk about the influences between science, a…