Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。

About this blog - このブログについて

For what this blog really is about, read the following link! このブログが一体全体なんなのかを知りたい人は下のリンク先を読んでください! about this blog (このブログについて) For the Spotify playlist of the songs discussed in the posts click …

Things I Read During the Quarantine: Part 1, Introduction

Background In this post, I won't talk about any of the books I read during the quarantine but on the books I read in the past, and about my reading habits. The oldest book I remember reading is probably, everyone's favourite The Very Hungr…

Melon Bread doesn't have Melon in it.

お前は今まで食べたパンの枚数を覚えているのか? - ディオ ブランドー Do you remember how many slices of bread you've eaten in your lifetime? - Dio Brando I was missing eating メロンパン (Melon Bread), so I was planning to bake one since I wa…

May be the super-frog was eaten by the cat he abandoned - Part 2.5, the frog

The text Part 1 Part 2 My plan was to write about abandoning a cat, but I remembered that I had something about the frog that I didn't write about; so I just dump it here. It…

May be the super-frog was eaten by the cat he abandoned - Part 2, impressions

What you see with your eyes is not necessarily real - Super-frog saves tokyo by Haruki Murakami 目に見えるものが本当のものとは限らない -村上春樹著「かえるくん、東京を救う」より I hope you read my previ…

May be the super-frog was eaten by the cat he abandoned - Part 1, synopsis

'Underrstanding' is merely the sum total of our misunderstandings - Super-frog saves tokyo by Haruki Murakami 理解は誤解の総体にすぎない - 村上春樹作「かえるくん東京を救う」 Haruki Murakami was mentioned throughout various conversations, t…

Buckwheat tea! NOT Buckfast wine!

If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. -Abraham Lincoln I got few letters, so I wanted to write something how important it is to have something physical on your hands in the era of tra…

The Little but not so Little Prince

L'essential est invisible pour les yeux What is essential is invisible to the eye. 本当に大切なものは目に見えない My childhood dream was to become a pilot. It never came true; due to my stupid laziness. Maybe it's just, I didn't have coura…

Keep calm and drink tea.

小さな出会いを大切に育てていくことで、人生の中での大きな出会いになることもあります - 千利休 Every little chance meeting that you hold dear can lead to a pivotal, once-in-a-lifetime encounter. - Sen no Rikyu Three years in High school, I wa…

Zombies in a park

You might have imagined an apocalyptic world to be as zombies everywhere and people are making barricade in Walmart (TM, whatever), but then nope, this is the reality staying home and watching random shit on whatever the device that you ha…

太宰治 「斜陽」 を読んで

最近眠れない夜が続いていたので、良い機会だから太宰の斜陽と短編を何冊かを一気読みしました。 絶望文学なんていってやたら暗い話が多い太宰、斜陽もまた例外ではないのですね。 もう6年も前になるかな、五所川原の斜陽館、行きましたよ。冬だったけどね。…

haiku 咳をしても一人

Well, usually haiku is a poetry composed of three lines with 5 syllables - 7 syllables - 5 syllables with word indicating a season. Howver in the beginning of 20th Century, bunch of people tried to be free from the constraints. So no 5-7-5…

memento moriと一期一会

コロナウイルスの為に自宅待機なんでなんとなく一日中机にむかって心にふと浮かんでは消えていく色々な事をちょろちょろと下書きに保存してたのだけど、まるでとりつかれたのかのように筆がすすんでしまったので2年ぶりくらいに投稿します。 なんて徒然草の…

Why I quit being an Apple fanboy ( what is free and open source?) part 1

If you have bitten a forbidden fruit, you must spit it out at some point I had a suggestion of separating out the article into parts, and I thought that was a good idea so here is the part 1 of the part n ( ) I remember the first iProduct …

Saying Something but not Really Saying Anything

It is really hard to learn and to experience everything... I was aiming the frequency of a new blog pot to be once in every two days or so, but unfortunately, that is impossible. I've been writing this post for more than a week or so. Apol…

An eye candy ( thank you for 200 visits! )

200アクセスありがとう!100アクセス記念は英語で書いたので、今回は日本語で。いやぁ論文もこれくらいのペースで書ければ万々歳ですよね。 こんなくだらない戯言を読んでる君たちも暇だよねぇ。でもありがとう。え、読んでないって?まぁでも読まなくてもク…


時は遡る事2016年の暮れ... スランプに落ちいっててこのままじゃやばいんじゃないかと思って、まぁ色々やろうと思ったわけですよ。んで、思いついたわけです。そう最近話題の機械学習とかいうやつで一儲けなーんて甘い事を思ったわけですね。闇墮ちですよ本…


めんどくさい。全てが。そう思い始めたのはいつごろからだっただろうか... 人類の行動原理ってわりと「めんどくさい」だと思うんだよねぇ。 走って狩りするのめんどくせぇ→道具つかおうぜ。 人間関係めんどくせぇ→アフリカ出て別な所で暮そう。 狩りめんど→…

An eye candy ( thank you for 100 visits )

Well, I think 100 visits are easy to achieve as there are, in fact many, people who are interested to what I wrote. But seriously though after three posts, the most of those people will certainly get bored of what I write. I know. But... w…

The first grand slam

Well, in this article I would like to talk about all of them at once. I feel like once I've done this, I lose the motivation to continue on this blog, even though there are many things I want to talk about the influences between science, a…

Eleanor Rigby (Make someone happy)

Well, so I've been listening to this podcast called Jazz Boulevard for quite a while now, and this week's episode was featuring the arrange of Eleanor Rigby, the famous song by Beetles, by Angela Galuppo. I mean to be honest, it was so dif…



Coffee and I.

Well, the very first entry of this blog is on coffee. You'd be like, "what? what about science? art? and all of those things you talked about in about this blog? Is that all lies to attract the readers?" Well, they are not, but that's who …