Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。


May be the super-frog was eaten by the cat he abandoned - Part 2, impressions

What you see with your eyes is not necessarily real - Super-frog saves tokyo by Haruki Murakami 目に見えるものが本当のものとは限らない -村上春樹著「かえるくん、東京を救う」より I hope you read my previ…

Buckwheat tea! NOT Buckfast wine!

If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. -Abraham Lincoln I got few letters, so I wanted to write something how important it is to have something physical on your hands in the era of tra…

Zombies in a park

You might have imagined an apocalyptic world to be as zombies everywhere and people are making barricade in Walmart (TM, whatever), but then nope, this is the reality staying home and watching random shit on whatever the device that you ha…