Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。

eye candy

An eye candy ( thank you for 200 visits! )

200アクセスありがとう!100アクセス記念は英語で書いたので、今回は日本語で。いやぁ論文もこれくらいのペースで書ければ万々歳ですよね。 こんなくだらない戯言を読んでる君たちも暇だよねぇ。でもありがとう。え、読んでないって?まぁでも読まなくてもク…

An eye candy ( thank you for 100 visits )

Well, I think 100 visits are easy to achieve as there are, in fact many, people who are interested to what I wrote. But seriously though after three posts, the most of those people will certainly get bored of what I write. I know. But... w…