Science, Art, Music: A bottomless swamp

A blog of a Japanese PhD student who lives in Glasgow. グラスゴーに住んでる日本人博士生のブログ。

Eleanor Rigby (Make someone happy)

Well, so I've been listening to this podcast called Jazz Boulevard for quite a while now, and this week's episode was featuring the arrange of Eleanor Rigby, the famous song by Beetles, by Angela Galuppo. I mean to be honest, it was so different in an original way that even though the very first phrase she spoke was Eleanor Rigby, I couldn't tell the song is the cover of the one by beetles (I also don't usually listen to the talks of the radio dude either forgive me).

Of course, like anyone else would do, I went to Spotify to listen to the full album, and there it was. Well, I would like to talk about the album but let's focus on the song so I won't lose track of what I truly want to say.

Ever since I moved to United States, when I was 11, I always felt lonely somewhere in heart, and that was never ever filled no matter how much I tried. I sort of given up, like hell it's impossible, we are all lonely somewhere and those who look at them and wonder where they belong are foolish enough to not noticing it. I mean come on, at least the lady Eleanor had a father McKenzie when she died. I guess the point is that we all darn socks and write sermon thinking it is for someone but turns out to be not for anyone, even for themselves. Well, but nothing will ever happen if you don't even do those things right? So today, I write sermons and darn socks, just like I did yesterday, hoping someday this will lead me to something wonderful.

Well, the album ends with the song Make someone happy. I think is a great song, but I disagree though. I always thought -always like since my oldest memory- the key to the happiness is to make everyone around me happy. Okay, I think the question here is, did following this principle make me happy, like truly happy? The answer is not quite. I mean I am happy now but its not the same happiness that I am longing for.

Well, I'm not trying hard enough, may be. I can't deny that, I mean I always to do my best with this matter but there is always something better right? Well, I guess It's time for that to change? I don't know. Try my best to make one - only one on this Earth - happy, I can try that and see how it goes, may be, if someone worthy magically appears, but until then, I will go with my own and see where it takes me. I say all the shits, but I do wish everyone's happiness and do/not do things accordingly, whether that matches with your definition of happiness is highly questionable though.

Anyways, back to the album, I really liked the Bill Evans playing Make someone Happy. Every time I listen to a great piece by piano, it makes me desperately want to play, but I guess I have to wait until I get my own place in this August...